It is the oldest CBE product and service and also the main source of income of the bank. Loan create investment that play vital role in economic and social development of the country through creating employment. CBE avails huge amount of loan for the over all investment in the country.
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia ,The Bank You Always Rely On!!
It is an act of aquairing money to allocate it on activities expecting better benefits from it. CBE is currently gives the following loans for those eligable for the sector.
Motor Vehicle Loan
A Micro-Finance Institution’s Loan is a loan availed to the Micro-Finance Institutions mainly in the form of term loans that are repayable within short –tomedium–terms
1.1 Channel Financing is a form of short-term loan rendered to potential creditcustomers recommended by existing CBE’s prominent customers engaged indomestic manufacturing, agricultural production, wholesaling, retailing orsupplying businesses with which they have a business relationship. The loan isprovided after the supplier or manufacturer provides unconditional letter ofguarantee to CBEor other acceptable collateralif the loan amount is huge.
Urban Utilities Financing is a type of short and medium-term loan granted tomunicipalities & private persons for supplying urban utilities such as
Consulting Firm Financing is a form of short-term loan extended for the purpose ofworking capital financing to business professionals engaged in rendering professionalservices
An Inter-Bank Lending is a short-term loan extended to alleviate liquidity shortageof other commercial banks. In rendering this credit service, the credit and risk analyst shall evaluate the requestbased on the banking business performance indicators.
Some description goes here
These loan products are prepared for Foreign Nationals of Ethiopian Origin and Ethiopian living abroad. They are given both in theconventional banking service and CBE Noor Interest Free Banking Service.