Investment Loan
It is an act of aquairing money to allocate it on activities expecting better benefits from it. CBE is currently gives the following loans for those eligable for the sector.
- Term Loan
- Motor Vehicle Loan
- Construction Machinery Loan
- Partial Financing
- Syndicate Loan
- Agricultural Term Loans
- Idea Financing
Micro-Finance Institution’s Loan
A Micro-Finance Institution’s Loan is a loan availed to the Micro-Finance Institutions mainly in the form of term loans that are repayable within short –tomedium–terms

Channel Financing
1.1 Channel Financing is a form of short-term loan rendered to potential creditcustomers recommended by existing CBE’s prominent customers engaged indomestic manufacturing, agricultural production, wholesaling, retailing orsupplying businesses with which they have a business relationship. The loan isprovided after the supplier or manufacturer provides unconditional letter ofguarantee to CBEor other acceptable collateralif the loan amount is huge.
- The guarantor may recommend as potential customer(s) to the Bank both his/her/its supplier and/or receiver.
- The guarantor shall present the recorded business relationship including payment track record and level of purchases/sales.
- Financial statements and cash flow statement of the two parties along with the capacity of the guarantor to repay both loans in case of default shall be carefully analyzed.
- The Bank may finance up to 75 % of the submitted sales contract value and maximum of 70% for vehicles.
- The financing should be extended only the bases of current sales contract and it shall not finance previous sales contracts.
- The applicant or the would-be customer applies for credit having letter of recommendation from the guarantor.
- Channel financing should not be rendered to affiliated companies, associates or subsidiaries.
Urban Utilities Financing
Urban Utilities Financing is a type of short and medium-term loan granted tomunicipalities & private persons for supplying urban utilities such as
- dry and liquid waste management
- abattoirs
- public ambulance services
- firefighting
- street lighting
- road asphalt and pavement works
- sanitation
- roadside public latrine service
- development of cityparks
Consulting Firm Financing
Consulting Firm Financing is a form of short-term loan extended for the purpose ofworking capital financing to business professionals engaged in rendering professionalservices
- Engineering
- Law
- Accountancy
- Art
Inter-Bank Lending
An Inter-Bank Lending is a short-term loan extended to alleviate liquidity shortageof other commercial banks. In rendering this credit service, the credit and risk analyst shall evaluate the requestbased on the banking business performance indicators.
- Funding liquidity risk at banks
Loan Buyout
Some description goes here

Diaspora Loan/Financing Products
These loan products are prepared for Foreign Nationals of Ethiopian Origin and Ethiopian living abroad. The products are given both in the conventional banking service and CBE Noor Interest Free Banking Service.
- Conventional Diaspora Loan/Financing Products
- 1. Mortgage (Residential house purchase/construction)
2. Automobile purchase
3. Personal
- Interest Free Banking (Murabaha based) Diaspora Loan/Financing Products
- 1. Mortgage (Residential house purchase/construction)
2. Automobile purchase
- I: Eligibility Criteria
- 1. Identity:
- 1.1. Foreign Nationals of Ethiopian Origin
- Documentation Required
- • Valid foreigner passport
• Valid Ethiopian origin ID
• Social security/national identity/social insurance/national insurance number
- 1.2. Ethiopian living abroad
- Documentation Required
- • Valid Ethiopian passport
• Resident permit and/or work permit
• National id
- 2. Defined Income source
- 2.1. Employee
- Documentation Required
- • Formal employment letter from the employer stating his/her basic salary with all deductions.
• Latest bank statement or individual tax return report at least for one year
- 2.2. Others
- Documentation Required
- • Present evidence of FCY receipt through CBE for the last 12 months preceding the date of application
• Latest bank statement or individual tax return report at least for one year
- 3. Age
- Age must be at least 18year but less than 64 years at time of loan application
- Documentation Required
- • Birth certificate
- 4. Marital status
- 4.1. Married
- Documentation Required
- • Marriage certificate
- 4.2. Unmarried
- Documentation Required
- • Valid unmarried certificate which was issued within six month or less from the date of application
• Court decision and liquidation report in case of divorce or widowed scenario, if applicable
- 5. Marital status in case of interest free banking
- 5.1. Married
- Documentation Required
- • Marriage Certificate, or otherwise.
• If the applicant is a married man, he shall present all marriage certificates.
• If the applicant claims that he is married to one wife, he shall give written personal confirmation to that effect
- 5.2. Unmarried
- Documentation Required
- • Valid unmarried certificate which was issued within six month or less from the date of application
• Court decision and liquidation report in case of divorce or widowed scenario, if applicable
- 6. NPL Status
- Has no NPL record in any bank or financial institution at time of application
- Documentation Required
- • Tin certificate
- 7. Tax Clearance
- Documentation Required
- • A tax clearance letter issued by the appropriate tax authority of Ethiopia, specifically addressed to the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
- 8. Power of attorney, if any
- Documentation Required
- • Registered power of attorney by relevant government body of Ethiopia.
- 9. Educational status, if any
- Documentation Required
- • latest educational certificate.
- 10. Spouse, if any
- 10.1. If spouse is employed
- Documentation Required
- • Diploma level of education certificate
• three years work experience
• Bachelor's degree level of education certificate
• two years work experience
- 10.2. If spouse is business man/woman
- Documentation Required
- • At least three years business experience,
• Latest three years financial statement (audited/provisional/CCR).
• Income and expense receipts (if provisional/CCR)
- 11. Consent
- Documentation Required
- • letter of consent to assume half of monthly income
• letter of consent to deduct loan/financing processing fee and VAT
• letter of consent to credit the loan/financing to the account opened at CBE (seller/applicant)
- 12. Loan/financing request
- Documentation Required
- • Loan/financing request letter signed by the applicant & spouse (if any)
• Filled & signed credit/financing application form by the applicant & spouse (if any)
- 13. Equity contribution
- Documentation Required
- • Evidence of minimum 30% equity contribution deposit into diaspora saving account at CBE except for personal loan.
- II: Product Nature
- Parameter and Specification
- 1. Equity contribution - Minimum of 30% equity contribution required.
- 2. Loan tenure - Maximum of 15 or 20 years, depending on the.
- 3. Interest/profit rate - The rate varies based on the equity contribution percentage.
- 4. Repayment Schedule - Monthly installments.
- 5. Grace period - Not Applicable.
- 6. Penalty- If three consecutive monthly repayments are missed, the maximum interest or profit margin rate will be applied to the remaining balance until all arrears are settled in foreign currency.
- III: Documentation required related to product-specific Loan/financing type (Loan/financing purpose)
- 1. Residential house purchase
- 1.1. Required documents
- • Registered sales agreement by authorized gov. body that state payment shall be made by bank loan.
• Landholding certificate issued by authorized gov. body
• Current land tax payment receipt
• Current property tax payment receipt
• If the land is acquired via lease
- Lease Agreement
- Current lease payment receipt or full lease payment receipt and lease payment completion certificate
• Construction Plan or blueprint approved by authorized gov. body
- AR (for G+0 & G+1)
- AR, ST, SN, & EL for G+2 and above
• Insurance policy purchase
- 1.2. Collateral
- The residential property being purchased will serve as collateral for the loan
- 2. Residential house construction
- 2.1. Required documents
- • Land holding certificate issued by authorized gov. body
• Current land tax payment receipt
• If the land is acquired via lease
- Lease Agreement
- Current lease payment receipt or full lease payment receipt and lease payment completion certificate
• Construction Plan or blueprint approved by authorized gov. body
- AR (for G+0 & G+1)
- AR, ST, SN, & EL for G+2 and above
• Valid construction permit
• Bill of quantity (BOQ) approved by professional/s
• Evidence of renewed professional certificate for a person made BOQ.
• Filled and signed professional commitment form
• Insurance policy purchase
- 2.2. Collateral
- The residential property being purchased will serve as collateral for the loan.
- 3. Automobile Car Purchase (new)
- 3.1. Required documents
- • Sales agreement
• Advance payment receipt, if any
• Proforma invoice
• Commercial invoice
• Custom declaration
• Libre or ownership certificate (after commitment letter issued by the bank)
• Insurance purchase (after commitment letter issued by the bank)
- 3.2. Collateral
- The new automobile car being purchased will serve as collateral for the loan.
- 4. Personal loan (maximum 1million birr)
- 4.1. If building/premise/house
- 4.1.1. Required documents
- • Landholding certificate issued by authorized gov. body
• Current land tax payment receipt
• Current property tax payment receipt
• If the land is acquired via lease
- Lease agreement
- Current lease payment receipt or full lease payment receipt and lease payment completion certificate
• Construction Plan or blueprint approved by authorized gov. body
- AR (for G+0 & G+1)
- AR, ST, SN, & EL for G+2 and above
• Insurance policy purchase
- 4.1.2. Collateral
- One or more of the mentioned acceptable property is used as collateral.
- 4.2. If Motor vehicle /Construction machinery/Agricultural machinery
- 4.2.1. Required documents
• Libre or ownership certificate
• Duty free evidence, if any
• Calculated duty tax report issued by authorized government body
- 4.2.2. Collateral
- One or more of the mentioned acceptable property is used as collateral.
- 4.3. If Factory or other machinery
- 4.3.1. Required documents
- • Ownership evidence
• Proforma invoice, if any
• Commercial invoice
• Custom declaration
• Duty free evidence, if any
• Calculated duty tax report issued by authorized gov. body
- 4.3.2. Collateral
- One or more of the mentioned acceptable property is used as collateral.
- 4.4. If cash
- 4.4.1. Required documents
- • Proof of blocked funds in an account held at CBE with written confirmation by one of its branches.
- 4.4.2. Collateral
- One or more of the mentioned acceptable property is used as collateral.